The Deadly Divide

The April 2016 issue of the AFA Journal, referenced a Barna research report from January of 2016. The report highlighted a disconnect between young Christians and Biblical morality. One statistic stated that 76% of Christians between the ages of 18 and 24 actively seek out pornography. The report also...

3 Ingredients for Powerful Prayer

A friend called me recently, he was facing some pretty bad circumstances and needed help. As he shared his problem, I began to feel helpless concerning his dilemma. I had this thought, “The only thing I can do is pray.” The conversation progressed and a few minutes later I...

Mission Field America

A Barna survey asked, “Is there absolute truth?” (Absolute Truth: “Something true for all people, at all times and in all places.”) Amazingly, 66 percent of American adults responded that they believe that “there is no such thing as absolute truth; different people can define truth in conflicting ways...

Dealing with the Critics

I was listening to a gentleman speak many years ago. He was telling a story about when he was confronted by someone over the way he operated his ministry. The man was complaining, and pointing out all the flaws he had noticed. I will never forget his response to the...

Get Busy!

I had a conversation with a gentleman recently, he shared with me how a friend had impacted his life. He told me how he had been encouraged to step out into new areas, and attempt things that he may never have considered on his own. As he spoke, I...

The Power Of Together In Leadership

A few years ago, I had a “grand” idea, in order to increase our family income and have a little something to leave the kids, we should invest in rental homes. At the peak of excitement, after many hours of thought, I arrived home to find my wife sitting...


  There has been a lot in the news lately about the division in our nation. It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to realize that we are certainly headed the wrong way. What I find amazing is that the worse things get the harder some folks want to run...